
2025 Scholarship applications are now OPEN.
1. High School Senior: Category 1-3, deadline March 28
2. Military Spouse: Category 4, deadline April 4
What Scholarship am I eligible to apply for? Read eligibility details below:
Senior Dependent: LXLSC Sky’s No Limit Scholarship (Cat. 1)
To apply for this scholarship, an applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
● Be the child of a service member: active duty, retired, reserve, national guard, or surviving family member of a service member.
● Plan to seek an associate’s degree or higher at an established institution of higher learning, beginning in the summer or fall following high school graduation.
● Must be beginning his or her college studies and have never before enrolled in an institution of higher learning; dual-credit courses are allowed.
● Must have maintained a 3.0 GPA or higher (85%) in high school.
● Certification programs/vocational training eligible to apply
LXLSC Aim High Scholarship (Cat. 2)
To apply for this scholarship, an applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
● Be enrolled in a secondary education institution in Val Verde, Kinney County, or attend homeschool.
● Plan to seek a degree at an established institution of higher education, and enroll in the summer or fall following high school graduation.
● Must be beginning his or her college studies and have never before enrolled in an institution of higher learning; dual-credit courses are allowed.
● Must have maintained a 3.0 GPA or higher (85%) in high school.
● Certification programs/vocational training eligible to apply.
All Seniors: Answer the Call Scholarship (Cat. 3)
To apply for this scholarship, an applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
● Be a senior who is enlisting in the Armed Forces
Spouses: LXLSC Scholarship of XL-ence (Cat. 4)
To apply for this scholarship, an applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
● Be the spouse of an active duty, guard, or reserve service member.
● Plan to seek a degree in higher education or higher at an established institution of higher learning.
● Plan to seek certification in a new vocation, trade, or technical school. Eligible certificates may include cosmetology, automotive, welding, nail technician, photography, IT, medical assistant, CNA, EMT, and radiology technician.
For more information please contact our Scholarship Chair at: LaughlinXLspouses.Scholarships@gmail.com